my story

The things that I create are all about memory, nostalgia, and creating space/time for reflection. Often, I am reflecting upon everyday moments that we take for granted. I am also drawn to things that have been discarded or that are not typically considered beautiful. This means my work may include dyed papers and fabrics made from the rust of old tools, or the industrial ripples of corrugated cardboard. I also have a huge collection of recycled papers, such as vintage photographs, maps, sheet music, and pages from obsolete textbooks. I love the contrast that results from these 'rough pages' and more delicate Japanese papers. For me, it's all about playing with texture and layers - and I'd love to show you how! You'll find most of my artwork here, but I'm thrilled that Rothwell Gallery also carries my work.
I am also a health researcher and I use creative practices, such as collage and storytelling to help people share their experiences in meaningful ways. Workshop themes such as transformation and metamorphosis have then found their way into my creative work. 

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I feel like I sense the soul of your art and it feeds mine. I feel so in touch with my love of birds and flowers, especially during our winter. I see and feel both fragility and strength simultaneously. Many thanks for all of the joy I feel. ~ Mary